Welcome to the Centre for Renewable Energy

The Centre for Renewable Energy is an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty center of the University of Freiburg. The ZEE acts as a central scientific facility; it brings together scientific institutions within the university that engage in renewable energy problems in research and education, as well as forming cooperation agreements with institutions from outside the university in the areas of research, education, and advanced training.

Mission, Vision and Values

ZEE as an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty center, serves as the platform for co-operation between university and other institutions; focusing on research, education, and advanced training in renewable energy problems.

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Working Paper and Publications

The ZEE initiated its work on a series of working papers and publications. The primary objective of these papers is to stimulate discussion in the field of sustainable energy in Europe as well as on a global scale.

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Projects and Partnerships

The ZEE cross-links partners applied fundamental research in the fields of solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, energy efficiency and new energies with regards to practical research and development.

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Change in Administration

Dr. Hawta Khayyat, who has served as Scientific Administrator of the Center for Renewable Energy (ZEE) since 2022, accepted a senior position in industry and left the center on February 13, 2025. We sincerely thank him for his dedicated work and valuable contributions over the past years and wish him all the best in his

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The Center for Renewable Energy (ZEE) is thrilled to announce the upcoming ‘Renewable Energy Day Freiburg 2025’ on May 20, 2025. You are Invited to share your thoughts. Save the date and join us for a day dedicated to advancing green energy solutions!