Mission, Vision and Values
ZEE as an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty center, serves as the platform for co-operation between university and other institutions; focusing on research, education, and advanced training in renewable energy problems.
ZEE as an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty center, serves as the platform for co-operation between university and other institutions; focusing on research, education, and advanced training in renewable energy problems.
The ZEE initiated its work on a series of working papers and publications. The primary objective of these papers is to stimulate discussion in the field of sustainable energy in Europe as well as on a global scale.
The ZEE cross-links partners applied fundamental research in the fields of solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, energy efficiency and new energies with regards to practical research and development.
Mr. Dr. Ramchandra Bhandari (Nepali citizen) started on 1st October 2010 his position at the ZEE. His PhD about the “Role of Grids for Electricity and Water Supply with Decreasing Costs for Solar Photovoltaics” was supported by a BMBF scholarship and he recently got the academic graduation at theUniversity of Kassel with an excellent result. Mrs. Regine Nitz works since
The current study of the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) was developed in colaboration with the Centre for Renewable Energy (ZEE). as PDF-File (only in German available)