Mission, Vision and Values
ZEE as an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty center, serves as the platform for co-operation between university and other institutions; focusing on research, education, and advanced training in renewable energy problems.
ZEE as an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty center, serves as the platform for co-operation between university and other institutions; focusing on research, education, and advanced training in renewable energy problems.
The ZEE initiated its work on a series of working papers and publications. The primary objective of these papers is to stimulate discussion in the field of sustainable energy in Europe as well as on a global scale.
The ZEE cross-links partners applied fundamental research in the fields of solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, energy efficiency and new energies with regards to practical research and development.
see Eurosolar-Website and article BZ 20.10.2008 (only in German)
A series of lectures (Dates: 16.10., 23.10., 06.11., 13.11.08) by Architekturforum Freiburg e.V., Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg Kammergruppe Freiburg, Beton Marketing Süd GmbH in collaboration with ZEE For further information see www.architekturforum-freiburg.de