The Center for Renewable Energy (ZEE) is pleased to announce the forthcoming
Renewable Energy Day Freiburg
December 4, 2023,
From 14:00 to 18:00
At the Auditorium of the University of Freiburg ” Aula, Kollegiengebäude 1 “.
We cordially invite you to join us for the Renewable Energy Day Freiburg. This event aims to provide valuable insights into the potential and importance of renewable energy sources. We look forward to your participation and the opportunity to broaden your understanding of this rapidly growing field.
Capturing the incredible moments from Renewable Energy Day Freiburg.

14:00 Introduction
14:15 Talk by Stephan Brabeck
14:45 Poster Session 1
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Talk by Sebastian Sladek
16:30 Poster Session 2
17:15 Apero with Snacks
17:45 End
(all talks are in English)
18:15 Possible follow-up discussion in co-creation
room (in German): “Wo kommt 2040 der Strom her?”

Stephan Brabeck
COO, Skysails Power
Airborne Wind Energy Accelerates the Global Energy Transition
High-altitude wind is an enormous pool of energy that has long time remained unused. Because all concepts to harness it involve a flying device attached to the ground on a line, the power it delivers is called airborne wind energy (AWE). Depending on the location and time of day, windspeed can be twice or even three times faster in heights above 200m. This effects in a tremendous increase of power, compared to conventional wind power, which can be used for different purposes.
In the lecture, the development of AWE systems, their functionality and their benefit will be explained along with the development of SkySails, one of the leading manufacturers of airborne wind power systems.”
Stephan Brabeck is COO of Skysails Group GmbH, Hamburg, a company focusing on harvesting wind energy by kites. He has been working for the SkySails Group since 2005 as CTO and as head of Research & Development. From 1991 until 2004 he worked for the ship propulsion manufacturer Schottel GmbH, Spay as CTO. During his studies at RWTH Aachen he focused on structural optimization of wings and failure behavior of composite materials.

Sebastian Sladek
Head of Board
EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau
Energy transition as a social utopia!
Started against resistance by committed citizens, carried into the center of society and today our
way out of the climate crisis. Sebastian Sladek will describe the highs and ups and downs of this central transformation process and discuss the question: Has the energy transition arrived at the center of a cultural struggle?

ZEE PowerPoint Research Poster Template Download
Poster 1:
Title: Vertical Wind Farms based on Multi-Wing Airborne Wind Energy Systems
List of Authors: Jochem De Schutter, Jakob Harzer, Moritz Diehl

Poster 2:
Title: Mixed-integer model predictive control of district heating networks
List of Authors: Armin Nurkanović, Lukas Schmidt-Engelbertz, Theda Zoschke, Christian Wolff, Lilli Frison, Gregor Rohbogner, Daniel Weiß, Axel Oliva, Moritz Diehl

Poster 3:
Title: Renewable Energy Priority Zones
List of Authors: Leon Sander, Christopher Jung, Dirk Schindler

Poster 4:
Title: Developing a direction-dependent global wind speed model
List of Authors: Christopher Jung, Dirk Schindler

Poster 5:
Title: Efficiency and effectiveness of wind energy utilization
List of Authors: Christopher Jung, Dirk Schindler

Poster 6:
Title: Impact of wind turbines on surface temperature in forests
List of Authors: Benjamin Felger, Christopher Jung, Dirk Schindler

Poster 7:
Title: Lifting-Line Vortex Modeling in a Single-Kite Airborne Wind Energy Optimal Control Problem
List of Authors: Rachel Leuthold, Jochem de Schutter, Curran Crawford, Sébastien Gros, Moritz Diehl

Poster 8:
Title: Aluminum plating/stripping from a non-corrosive Al(OTf)3-based electrolyte
List of Authors: Mahla Talari, Angelina Sarapulova, Eugen Zemlyanushin, Noha Sabi, Andreas Hofmann, Sonia Dsoke

Poster 9:
Title: Investigations of Sulfur-Containing Organics/Polymers as Cathodes and Additives in Rechargeable Sodium–Sulfur Batteries
List of Authors: Liwen Yang, Angelina Sarapulova, Hatice Mutlu, Sonia Dsoke

Poster 10:
Title: An Efficient Optimal Control Method for Airborne Wind Energy Systems with a Large Number of Slowly Changing Subcycles
List of Authors: Jochem De Schutter, Jakob Harzer, Moritz Diehl

Poster 11:
Title: Environmental Impacts of Wind Turbines in Forests
List of Authors: Leon Sander, Christopher Jung, Dirk Schindler

Poster 12:
Title: Distribution grid management with graph neural networks
List of Authors: Manuela Linke, Marcel Arpogaus, Gunnar Schubert, Christof Wittwer

Poster 13:
Title: Heat Loss Detection and Specification via Thermal Time-Of-Flight Method in Concetrated Solar Power Plants
List of Authors: Thomas Kraft, Gregor Bern, Werner Platzer, Marc Schmitz

Poster 14:
Title: The MorphoColor® Concept for Colored Photovoltaic Modules
List of Authors: Andreas Wessels, Bendikt Bläsi, Thomas Kroyer

Poster 15:
Title: Parametric Optimization Approaches of a 100 MW Plant with Multiple CSP and PV Hybridization Strategies
List of Authors: Nicholas Chandler, Peter Schöttl, Gregor Bern

Poster 16:
Title: Aging-aware optimized operation of stationary batteries
List of Authors: Ricarda Hogl, Arne Groß, Moritz Diehl

Poster 17:
Title: National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy System Research
List of Authors: Robin Grether, Ramiz Qussous, Mirko Schäfer, Anke Weidlich

Poster 18:
Title: Grid-friendly energy communities for distribution-level flexibility provision
List of Authors: Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Mitja Roeder, Ramiz Qussous, Anke Weidlich

Poster 19:
Title: The usage of green Hydrogen in a CHP-Unit to decarbonize the heat and power production
List of Authors: Maurice Kettner, Naqib Salim, Sascha Holzberger, Adem Ugurlu, Nicolas Krier & associated partners

Poster 20:
Title: Machine controlled farming powered by the sun leads to Automated dual land use
List of Authors: Maximilian Trommsdorff, Karim Fahmy, Nicolas Travesio.

Poster 21:
Title: A globally harmonized, but nationally collected carbon tax is the only politically feasible way to make a sustainable energy transition.
List of Authors: Moritz Diehl